Every day we meet and interact with people at work, at home and in our communities. Our Making Every Contact Count (MECC) training is designed for professionals like you who want to turn these everyday conversations into powerful moments for promoting health and wellbeing.

MECC is a national, evidence-based approach to encourage people to make positive changes to their lives. Undertaking the training will allow you to develop techniques to confidently engage people in conversation about their lifestyles in the course of your normal interactions. It is not about adding to your workload, becoming a specialist or a counsellor, or telling people what to do or how to live.

By utilising MECC skills you can be a vital part of improving the health of your community, by signposting people to local health services, engaging them in health and lifestyle related conversations or both.  

Whether you’re in healthcare, social work or a public facing role MECC training can transform the way you connect with people, giving you the tools to identify and support positive changes in lifestyle choices.

This FREE training is a valuable skill that you can use in your current or any future role, both inside and outside of the workplace.

To register for the training, please follow this link: KCC MECC Tier 1 booking form

If you have already completed Tier One and would be interested in doing a Tier Two training course, or if you’d prefer us to deliver to your whole team at a team meeting, please let us know by emailing us on phworkforcedevelopment@kent.gov.uk to register your interest.