Birth, Bump and Beyond

This website was created with women and expectant families from Kent & Medway. Your maternity care is safest when you understand your choices and can make the right decisions for you and your baby. Bump, birth and beyond gives local, trusted information. Your local midwives and maternity team look forward to meeting you and answering any questions.

There are resources available (in accessibility tools) in a large variety of languages to support and inform patients with a limited knowledge of English.

Flyers available include topics such as:

  • Pregnancy: Vitamins, Medication
  • Choosing Your Place of Birth, Birth Partners
  • Financial Support
  • Giving Birth: Caesarean, Induction, Visits
  • Breast Feeding, Expressing Breast Milk, Post-Birth Recovery and Exercises
  • Infant Feeding, Infant Security, Advice for New Parents
  • Mental Health Support, Emotional Wellbeing