
Fellowships are designed to provide a twelve-month experience of working in a specific clinical or system leadership field.

Fellows will typically spend one day a week in a host organisation such as: ICS, HCPs and Trusts, two to three days in clinical practice and one day completing an academic qualification at the University of Kent. Mentoring and supervision support is provided throughout the twelve months.

There are different types of Fellowships which could include:

  • System Fellowships such as Public Health and Quality Improvement Projects
  • Clinical Fellowships, such as Palliative, Frailty or Urgent and Unscheduled Care
  • Interprofessional Fellowship that provide multi-professional workforce the opportunity to progress their career and increase their leadership skills
  • Coastal Fellowships that are part of a wider scheme to support Primary Care in coastal areas of socio-economic deprivation.

The Primary Care Fellowship programme aims to deliver benefits to Fellows, Patients, local health systems and the wider NHS through upskilling individuals across the spectrum of clinical practice,
leadership and education, as well as offering a route into portfolio working and thereby boosting workforce retention.

Fellowships are designed for qualified GPs, who have usually achieved their CCT more than 12 months prior to the commencement of the Fellowship. It is anticipated that they will have undertaken the KMPCTH New to Practice Programme in this time. Some of the Fellowships available are open to General Practice Nurses or other Multi-Professionals applicants and these are clearly identified against the Fellowship name within the brochure.

For more information, contact kmicb.kmpcth@nhs.net

Watch Fellowships: Meet Ratna

2023/24 Academic Fellowships: Showcasing best practice

This year the 2023/24 Academic Fellows were asked to produce Academic Posters to document the work that they have undertaken during their yearlong part time placements as part of their Fellowships. This is a great way of displaying their hard work and below are the posters to showcase their projects in the following areas:

  • Fellowships help retain locally trained talent, provide an academically backed introduction to an extended role, and play a vital role in creating the workforce which transforms the NHS for the future…